Try all different Business Directories offered by
Every Engine has different results,
Most companies are listed in serveral directories
but the results are not the same ...
Find Products
find products and order them directly (example Schampoo, Perfume, Shoes)
Video about the Amazon Pop Up Store @ Cremerie de Paris,
one of the World's most famous Brand Expo locations
and historic home of the Whitepages from many countries.
Since 1671 Cremerie de Paris is a Telecom Hotspot,
that started with Post Horses carrying mail
a long time before becoming the home of the Burundi Whitepages.
Find Products / Companies via Yellow Pages B2B
Business to Business
Companies providing Products for Professionals
(example Food producer)
Find Companies via Gov Pages
search through the Government
Burundi Gov Search
this search engine goes through
the Burundi Gov Portal,
the office of the President
and all the Burundi ministeries.
Maybe the company you are looking for
has been mentioned at some point.
Find Companies in other Countries
search in another country
Phone Book of the
Annuaire du
maybe the person you are looking for has moved
and can be cound through the directory of another country
good luck ...